1964: ...Oh yeah, I'll tell you something...

...I think you'll understand...;-) I became a Beatlemaniac on February 9, 1964, as I sat watching "The Ed Sullivan Show". Sure, I had heard them on the radio, I had heard, "The Beatles are Coming!", but until that night, when I was put on sensory overload at the tender age of 9, I wasn't a truly indoctrinated Beatlemaniac. Such a word. I wish I could come up with a more appropriate term, but somehow, "fanatic", "enthusiast", "connossieur", still don't pack the same whammy. Let it just be said that on that night, I forged my path with The Beatles and never looked back. From that day forward, everything that happened in my life was connected with everything that happened in their career. At least on my end, I'm not sure *they* noticed! ;-)


She was just seventeen, you know what I mean...

Here I am in front of 7 Cavendish Avenue with Paul McCartney's cat. The year was...1972

The long and winding road ended here times.